Jade Rolling

Myth: We should only be using new, cutting-edge aesthetic products and treatments.

Fact: What’s worked before, still works now.

If you know me well, you know that I am open to expanding my beauty regimen. I am curious by nature, and thus researching and trying new products is not only a huge part of my job, it’s the best part of my job. I want to find the best products to share with you, because that is what you deserve. The best.

My blogs highlight that special bond between the beauty within and the beauty that shines on our skin. This blog is no different. Our insides always come first! I am thrilled to write this post about the Jade Roller, a product that found its way into my skincare routine all because of a little thing called curiosity (no this is not a sponsored ad).

Have you ever wondered why Asians have such flawless skin?

I did. So, I channeled this curiosity into my research and this is what I found.

The Jade Roller.

The Jade Roller is a beauty product that originated in Asia. The first piece of information I found particularly interesting about this skincare tool was that the word Jade means “beautiful stone.” Is this a coincidence? I think not.

One company calls Jade rolling a facial workout, as well as a process in aligning energy. I love that.  There are healing properties to the Jade stone, as well as benefits that come from rolling this stone on our skin in such a way that we are aligning the fluids within us, or as I said earlier, the energy within us.

There is an ocean beneath our skin, and it’s called the lymph system. This system is in charge of eliminating toxins, but may not be able to fully rid of all toxins unless we move the fluid ourselves. That means we are in control of whether or not toxins remain stagnant in our tissues. Oh, the power we have to live a healthy, toxin-free life!

In Traditional Chinese Medicine, the Jade stone can change the flow of “Qi”, or in other words “life energy.” Some research says that this stone brings into harmony the yin and yang energies of our body. This quote I found says it perfectly: “Jade rolling counter-acts accumulating negative emotion and blockages in the facial tissue as it eliminates lymph stagnation to reveal your true skin, your best complexion.” I could not have said it better myself.

Benefits to Jade Rolling:

  • Plumps fine lines

  • Reduces cell turnover time

  • Minimizes enlarged pores

  • Decreases tension headaches

  • Boosts skin elastin

  • Tones facial muscles

  • Increases oxygen levels to the bloodstream

  • Promotes lymphatic drainage

  • Improves blood circulation

  • Clears toxins from the skin

  • Reduces inflammation

  • Increases your Qi, a life force energy to improve flow between meridian points

  • Reduces the appearance of puffiness

  • Reduces wrinkles around the eyes

  • Minimizes spots around chin and jawline caused by a buildup of toxins

  • Brightens skin

  • Aides in releasing blocked sinus congestion


Steps to Using Jade Roller:

1. Cleanse your skin. Roll the Jade roller gently back and forth above the collarbone as to open up lymph pathways

2. Move the roller from the inner to the outer edge of the face. So the roller will move from the nose across the cheekbones to your ears. From the center of your chin to your jawline and down the neck etc.

3. Use small part of roller to release knots found in corner of jaw, for example, which usually is the result of clenching. Other intricate parts to use the small part of the roller on will be around the eyes or the orbital bone.

4. Spend more time on areas you see fine lines, hyper pigmentation, built up adipose tissue or where you hold a lot of tension (forehead for example).


Don’t be alarmed if you note instant flushing or refreshed skin! Try rolling your skin after you apply your serums and beauty balms. It will help the products penetrate deeper into your skin.

I currently have three Jade rollers in my home. I know, I know, I am a bit obsessive. You call it crazy. I call it research. I have one in my bathroom, one by my bed, and one in my refrigerator at all times. The coldness of the stone helps to purify our skin and de-puff the under eye area. I try jade roll morning and night for up to three minutes.

Shop my 3 favorites below:

When life is stressful we need all the help we can get to find that Qi, even beauty stones.

How do you find your Qi?

Shine on beauties. From the inner river flowing through you to the outer shell you show the world.

Shine on.